What Drives Me Crazy

  What drives me crazy is the way that women over 60 years are...

A Week of Yoga and Meditation – Xinalani Retreat – Video

  Adventure means stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something different.

Success in the Next Part of Your Life – The Best is Yet to Come

  What will success mean in the next part of your life? This very...

Finding Purpose – Setting Goals – Video

  This interview with peak performance coach Hina Khan www.hinakhan.ca inspires women in their...

Reframing Your World into a Bright Positive Place.

  How Are You Looking at the World? One of the big AHA moments...

What Do You Really Want – Path to Purpose

  If you could have anything in the world, what would you want. Finding...

Living with Purpose – Video


Three Ways to Keep Moving – Video


Grief Storm – Video


Keep Mind Strong – Video