
‘Tackling the fear zone of “I Can’t”

  Have you ever had a great idea about something new you wanted to...

Ageism – Are Older People Their Own Worst Enemies

We have all seen commercials like this before. There are three women in an...

Healthy Aging takes Effort

  Like so many things in life staying healthy and aging well takes some...

Unlock Your Inner Happiness – Try Something New

“Experiencing something new is strongly correlated to happiness”. As I was exploring on a...

Are You Ready to Be a Torch Bearer?

The time wasn’t right. I wasn’t ready. No way. Those are just some of...

Changing How We Measure Success – The Gap and The Gain

  Did you know you’re more successful than you let on? Yes, you! If...

How Do You Become the Person You Want to Be – Three Steps to Get You There

  Is your life everything you want it to be? As we look ahead...

Choose Refirement Rather Than Vintage Retirement! These 7 Questions Will Help You Find Your Direction

  This January, I’ll start my 77th year. I’m part of a large aging...

Happy Birthday Lifeshiift

  A birthday is a time to celebrate and reflect. This month we celebrating...

Finding Happiness

  “ Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof –...