Guest Blog

From Corporate to Digital Nomad – Lessons from My First Six Months on the Road

  After a high-pressure career, Monique Giroux has done what many of us only...

Embrace Your Authentic Self: Living with Purpose

  In a world filled with pressures to conform and fit into predefined molds,...

Death By Demographics

  It’s like hitting a brick wall: doomed to suffer death by demographic. You’re...

Healthy Aging takes Effort

  Like so many things in life staying healthy and aging well takes some...

Reclaiming Your Wild Heart at 60 And Beyond

  BY  ASTRID LONGHURST  FEBRUARY 01, 2023  MINDSET Have you felt it? That inner...

Are You Ready to Be a Torch Bearer?

The time wasn’t right. I wasn’t ready. No way. Those are just some of...

Choose Refirement Rather Than Vintage Retirement! These 7 Questions Will Help You Find Your Direction

  This January, I’ll start my 77th year. I’m part of a large aging...