
Learning is Growth

  “WELCOME TO OXFORD,” says the beautiful young undergraduate who is assisting at registration...

A New Image for Older Women

  The way to change the image of older women is to look at...

What Drives Me Crazy

  What drives me crazy is the way that women over 60 years are...

Success in the Next Part of Your Life – The Best is Yet to Come

  What will success mean in the next part of your life? This very...

Reframing Your World into a Bright Positive Place.

  How Are You Looking at the World? One of the big AHA moments...

What Do You Really Want – Path to Purpose

  If you could have anything in the world, what would you want. Finding...

African Adventure – Fight or Flight Response

  The most visceral fear that I have ever felt on a holiday occurred...

Four Ways to Deal with the Loss of a Loved One

  Dealing with grief is a journey that we all will go through if...

Keep Growing

Yes, it is the time in your life when you can take a breather…

A resilient body

If you want to enjoy the ride, you need to take care…